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Energy conservation in a sentence

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Sentence count:98Posted:2017-04-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: conservationconservatismconservativeconservatoryreservationobservationpreservationpreservationist
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1. Cheaper energy conservation techniques have been put into operation in the developed world.
2. There is a strong case for an energy conservation programme.
3. Energy conservation reduces your fuel bills and helps the environment.
4. Energy conservation as a philosophy was born out of the 1973 oil crisis.
5. Application of computers in surveying; Energy conservation.
6. Instead of energy conservation, they advocate building more dams and nuclear plants.
7. Predicting fuel consumption and the effects of energy conservation practices has had only limited success.
8. The law of energy conservation is a very important physical principle.
9. Energy conservation programmes in federal buildings and low-income housing developments.
10. Energy conservation is vital for the future of the planet.
11. In the true spirit of energy conservation chose a bicycle for his gift.
12. Air pollution and energy conservation aside, private vehicles also come under attack when we consider rural and urban environments.
13. The role and importance of attitudes to energy conservation are investigated in relation to comfort requirements.
14. Energy conservation and environmental pressures are rightly being placed on oil and gas producers in the North sea.
14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. Heating; Radiation; Be under construction; Mass; Energy conservation.
17. And the home use energy conservation fuel gas stove has obtained the country technical monopoly.
18. Lastly, taking safety of energy conservation into consideration, solar panels, lead-acid battery are applied in this design to supply power in case of sudden loss of power.
19. This result explains that the energy conservation is the intrinsic attributes of the Maxwell's equation set.
20. Payback period analysis is frequently used in assessing the merits of energy conservation investments.
21. Throughout this paper 1 have stressed similarities between Bentham's Panopticon proposals and current governmental advice on energy conservation.
22. The plan also provided for measures to protect endangered species, protect the ozone layer and increase energy conservation.
23. In 1999, the Water and Light Department did not make any energy conservation grants attributable to the two arenas.
24. The Electrical Engineering Manager is responsible for maintaining the Company's energy conservation programme.
25. Energy Efficiency Since February 1989 we have operated an energy conservation programme through our own management team and contractors.
26. It was the rise in world crude prices which brought energy conservation seriously into view.
27. One particularly embarrassing area for the government, and for Priddle himself, is the question of investment in energy conservation.
28. Products Rentokil specialises in industrial products in the fields of public health, safety, fire protection and energy conservation.
29. At the same time the coming of energy crises, bring people give birth to broad interest for energy conservation of these high energy consumption constructions.
30. Analysis on energy-saving operation of the bag house filter is conducted in detail, especially, how to regulate the energy conservation after resistance reduction of the filter is deeply approached.
More similar words: conservationconservatismconservativeconservatoryreservationobservationpreservationpreservationistreservation priceindian reservationenervatingconservancyenervateconservepreservativeconsecrationalternative energyenergystarvationsolar energyheat energyobservatorynuclear energybiomass energykinetic energyvenerationgenerationchemical energygeothermal energypotential energy
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  • Gloria 2023-02-28 15:26:03
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  • Jose 2023-02-24 13:59:55
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  • Leo 2023-02-24 01:45:48
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  • Hernando 2023-02-23 19:47:10
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  • Willie 2023-02-23 14:54:26
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  • Angelita 2023-02-23 14:51:20
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  • Angelita 2023-02-22 19:14:28
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  • John H. Smith 2023-02-21 22:59:55
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  • lengusa 2022-08-14 11:59:50
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